It feels like the world's gone a bit mad, doesn't it? The only - and I do mean only - topic on everyone's lips is Coronavirus. Covid-19. The Pandemic. Not only in my country, but on a global scale. The news is constantly updating us on the precautions that certain countries are taking, including school closures and flight bans, and every day the infection (and sadly, death) count seems to tick up at a rapid rate. It's scary.
First it was China. That seemed far away. Sad, but far from home. Not too much of a worry affecting us. Then it spread through some of Asia, and Australia, and then Europe and the rest of the world. The atmosphere has changed. And not for the better.
The overarching feeling is that of fear. The anti-bac is all gone, and so are the masks. Someone coughs on the Tube and people edge away. Governments are imposing somewhat strict measures to contain the virus - some say it's too much, some say not enough - but everyone has an opinion. People worry that they will get it themselves or unknowingly infect someone with health issues. Others implore everyone to just stay inside and ride it out. This is combated by those that refuse to not live a normal life because of a 'just in case'. There's panic in the air.
This fear is reaching everyone, and I hate it. I understand it. But I still hate it.
The hoarding has set in, with pasta, toilet paper and pretty much everything else vanishing from stores. The attitude of 'well, if we have to stay indoors, at least I'll be alright' has taken over some people and with it, an inherent selfishness. A mindset of 'me first, others next'. In a heightened situation, people can go into a mode that thinks only of their own survival, not taking into account that they are in a privileged being young or strong or with a means of transport. Not thinking about the elderly, the disabled, the homeless, the poor, the ones without ways of getting around easily. The ones who are truly in need.
With many workplaces already setting working from home in place, and with possible school closures (and some countries like Italy in lock down), many are facing up to the fact that they may be housebound for a while. At my job we are splitting into teams and alternating working from home and in the office. While the super introverted are probably rejoicing about a week spent in pajamas, I'm already feeling trapped and I don't work from home for another week.
There's also the social isolation that comes with it. Tourist site, theatres, festivals and generally fun activities are closing, holidays are cancelled, and there's advice not to shake hands or hug. Combined with working from home or self-isolation, it feels as though life is being put on hold.
Through all of this there seems to be an underlying anxiety in an already anxious world. What's going to happen? When's it going to end? But there's still hope. And there's still an opportunity to make something good of this. To see the beauty in the middle of the uncertainty.
There's been a lot of good advice floating around about how to help people, and I want to echo it. This is an amazing chance to help your fellow humans. Donate to a food bank. Go shopping for those who can't go themselves. Cook for others. Combat the selfishness with generosity and, not to sound too hippie-dippie but spread love, not fear.
Take a deep breath. If you can, go for a walk in nature. Hug a fluffy animal. Read a book. Paint, write, stretch. Look away from social media and the news for a bit. Make time for stillness and rest. Even in the middle of the storm, peace can still come.
This is a time to take a stand against the fear that's taking over our nation. Take precautions, certainly, and don't be reckless but also don't give in to the panic that is surrounding us. The Bible mentions not to be afraid over 300 times and there's a reason for that. Fear cripples but I know I have a God who is bigger than all this. A God who cares about what happens, and who tells us that we can look to Him in times of trouble. In Him I can find peace, and I can also find the courage to turn my fear into something better. Joy. Positivity. I want something beautiful to come shining through this darkness.
Hold onto hope, friends. We will get through this.